Smarter Building Management

Revolutionize Your Utility Management with Axis

Specialists in Sub-Metering for a Diverse Range of Real Estate Investments

  Increased ROI   •   Easy Setup
Key Performance

Measure, Monitor, and Maximize: Our Metrics Speak

Average property value increase
Enhance your property's market value through the implementation of advanced utility management systems, which are attractive to potential buyers and investors.
Lower operating costs
Lower your property's utility expenses by accurately tracking and billing for individual usage, which incentivizes tenants to conserve resources.
Regulatory compliant
Ensure compliance with local and national regulations regarding utility usage and reporting, with our certified metering solutions.
Why submetering?

Submetering: Greater Utility Control and ROI

Submetering utilities is pivotal for real estate investors, developers, and builders looking to increase their property’s net operating income.

By offering precise utility usage data, submetering allows property owners to charge tenants accurately and encourages energy conservation.

This transparency not only elevates property value but also ensures predictable monthly costs, leading to higher tenant satisfaction and retention.
Accurate Billing and Fair Charges
Submetering provides precise data on individual tenant utility usage, ensuring billing is fair and accurate, which helps in maintaining transparent tenant relationships and minimizing disputes over charges.
Predictable Operating Expenses
Submetering stabilizes your property’s operating costs by eliminating the variability of utility expenses, giving you and your tenants predictable monthly bills that are easier to manage and budget for.
Why choose us?

Axis leads the Way in Advanced Submetering Technologies

At Axis Meter Solutions, we stand out by including flood and leak detection free with every installation.

Certified, we collaborate closely with engineering teams to offer tailored cost-saving advice.

Our deep understanding as real estate investors ensures we meet your investment needs precisely, affirming our leadership in the industry.

Industry Certification and Compliance
Collaborative Cost-Saving Strategies
Expertise in Real Estate Investment
Our process

Hit the ground running with Axis.

Fill Out Your Property Details
Provide essential information about your property to tailor our services to your specific needs.
Chat with a Submetering Expert
Discuss your utility management goals with our expert to design an optimal submetering solution.
Enjoy Easier Utility Management + Increased Property Value
Experience streamlined utility oversight and enhanced property valuation through professional submetering.

Who We Work With

Residential Rentals
Optimize cost control and tenant satisfaction in your rental units with precise utility tracking.
Enhance condo living with individualized billing and utility management for each resident's peace of mind.
Mixed Use
Efficiently manage diverse utility needs in mixed-use properties for better operational harmony and profitability.
Reduce overheads and boost the sustainability of your commercial spaces with advanced submetering solutions.
Student Housing
Ensure fair utility usage and promote energy-saving habits among students with targeted submetering.
Affordable Housing
Support affordability goals by accurately distributing utility costs, preventing waste, and promoting conservation.

Hear it from our clients

We have an average customer rating of 4.97/5
"Since partnering with Axis for our multi-family residential building, billing disputes have vanished and everyone feels treated fairly. Their system just works!"
Jessica M.
Property Manager
"Axis transformed our commercial property management with their submetering technology. We've seen significant cost reductions and greater tenant accountability."
Darren K.
Commercial Landlord
"Thanks to Axis, our student residences are now more energy-efficient than ever. Students are more aware of their usage, and costs have plummeted."
Brian T.
University Housing Coordinator
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Building Owners
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15-30 mins
Increase property value
Increase cost-efficiency
Increase operational transparency
Proactively manage your maintenance

Common Questions

What is submetering and how does it work?
Submetering involves installing meters to measure utility use (like water, gas, and electricity) in individual units. This allows property owners to bill tenants based on actual consumption, promoting fairness and conservation.
What types of properties can benefit from your submetering services?
Our services are ideal for residential rentals, condominiums, commercial buildings, mixed-use developments, student housing, and affordable housing.
Can Axis Meter Solutions service properties across all of North America?
Yes, we offer submetering solutions and services across the entirety of North America, including both the US and Canada
What are the installation costs associated with submetering?
Installation costs can vary based on property size and specifics. We offer a free consultation to provide a tailored quote and discuss cost-effective options for your property.

“Their system just works.”

Schedule your free call with our property experts today ad see how we can help transform your operational efficiency, together.

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